Learn to Lead [in English]

Job Interviews Tannia Suarez Job Interviews Tannia Suarez

How to Successfully Prepare for a Google Job Interview

The first thing you need to do to prepare for a job interview is to get familiar with the company’s content and identify keywords.

This will help you be more strategic in how you prepare your interview answers. It will also give you the opportunity to highlight your best qualities and experiences so you can align yourself with what the company is looking for in that job position.

But where do you start?

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Presentation Skills Tannia Suarez Presentation Skills Tannia Suarez

Stop Giving Boring Presentations

A great place to start improving your presentations is at the beginning: the introduction. Make your presentation introduction more engaging by starting with a poignant question, a relevant quote or an unexpected story.

Also keep in mind that we are all busy and have way too many meetings, so capture your audience’s attention by telling them why they will benefit from what you’re presenting. It’s really easy to get lost in presenting facts. Instead, present the value.

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LinkedIn Tannia Suarez LinkedIn Tannia Suarez

Optimize Your LinkedIn Headline

Writing a LinkedIn Headline can be intimidating, but with these formulas, you’ll be able to optimize yours in just a few minutes.

Having a clear and strategic headline will make you look more professional, be more searchable, and be open to more opportunities.

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