Business English Blog

Communication Tannia Suarez Communication Tannia Suarez

Use Collocations to Speak English More Naturally

A collocation is a group of two or more words that are usually used together. Using them makes your English sound a lot more natural because collocations are based on real-life, frequent usage of particular words used in a specific order.

For example, while it would be grammatically correct to use "fast glance," native speakers say "quick glance."

Here are some more business collocations for you to use:

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Leadership Tannia Suarez Leadership Tannia Suarez

How to Motivate Your Team More Effectively

Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a global best-selling book for a reason. It has been a hit since it was published in 1936 because the tips are simple yet, when implemented strategically and consistently, they make a great impact.

Here are 3 key takeaways from Part 1 that help you communicate clearly and motivate people more effectively:

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LinkedIn Tannia Suarez LinkedIn Tannia Suarez

How to Get a Job Using LinkedIn

Having a good LinkedIn profile is essential in today's business world, especially if you:

  • Are looking for a new job now or in the near future,

  • Are working in an international field and want to increase your network, or

  • Are open to opportunities like collaborations, speaking engagements, press, etc.

I know it can seem overwhelming, but I'm going to show you a quick trick to take your LinkedIn from average to awesome in less than an hour.

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Job Interviews Tannia Suarez Job Interviews Tannia Suarez

Amazon Behavioral Interview Questions and Preparation Tips

The STAR method may seem intimidating at first, but I actually love it. It provides you with a formula you can use to structure your answers in a clear way and gives you the opportunity to highlight your skills and strengths.

For non-native speakers, this is a huge benefit because it helps you prepare your answers faster and more effectively, which gives you more time to work on your delivery - how you present your answers….

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