How to Pronounce TH


Did you know that the TH sound can be pronounced in two different ways?

While this may seem overwhelming, but don't worry. With these tips and some practice you will master both pronunciations:

1) The Unvoiced TH /θ/

The unvoiced TH /θ/ sound is produced by placing the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower front teeth and allowing air to flow through the narrow opening.

The sound is made without vibration of the vocal cords, resulting in a "breathy" or "hissing" quality. The sound is similar to the "s" sound in "think" or "bath" and does not require any significant effort from the throat.


  • think = θɪŋk

    I think so.

  • thanks = θæŋks

    Thanks for coming.

  • thousand = ˈθaʊzənd

    The painting costs a thousand dollars.

  • through / threw = θru / θru

    She threw the ball through the window.

  • nothing / ˈnʌ - θɪŋ

    There’s nothing here.

  • birthday = ˈbɜrθ - ˌdeɪ

    My birthday is in March.

  • health / healthy = hɛlθ / ˈhɛl - θi

    Healthy food contributes to good health.

  • both = boʊθ

    Both are funny.

  • tooth / teeth = tuθ / tiθ

    This tooth is a different color than my other teeth.

  • month = mʌnθ

    We’re going to New York next month.

    north / south = nɔrθ / saʊθ

    Do I drive north or south?

2) The Voiced TH /ð/

The voiced TH /ð/ sound is produced by placing the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower front teeth, similar to the unvoiced TH /θ/ sound, but with the vocal cords vibrating.

This creates a voiced sound that is similar to the "th" sound in "the" or "that". The sound requires more effort from the vocal cords and throat than the unvoiced TH /θ/ sound, and the vibration of the tongue can be felt when producing the sound correctly.


  • The = ði

    She’s the best.

  • this / that = ðɪs / ðæt

    This one is bad. That one’s good.

  • them / themselves = ðɛm / ðɛmˈsɛlvz

    I came with them. / They came by themselves.

  • these / those = ðiz / ðoʊz

    These are too big. Those fit better.

  • they = ðeɪ

    They can’t come tonight..

  • their = ðɛr

    Their dog is so sweet.

  • there = ðɛr

    There aren’t enough.

  • another = ə - ˈnʌ - ðər

    Would you like another drink?

  • mother / father / brother = ˈmʌ - ðər / ˈfɑ - ðər / ˈbrʌ - ðər

    His mother, father and brother live in Spain.

  • breathe = brið

    Breathe in. Breathe out.

  • smooth = smuð

    It was a smooth ride.

  • northern / southern = ˈnɔrðərn / ˈsʌðərn

    The Northern and Southern Hemispheres have opposite seasons.

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