Advanced Business Vocabulary


Advanced vocabulary refers to words that are typically used in more complex or specialized forms of communication, such as professional settings.

These words can be more challenging to learn and use correctly, but they are essential for fluency and comprehension in those contexts.

To improve your use of advanced vocabulary, it's important to learn not just the definition of a word, but also its context and how it's used in real-life situations.

Additionally, it can be helpful to listen to native speakers using these words and practice using them yourself, with the help of resources such as example sentences and audio recordings.

Start with the list below of advanced English vocabulary words that are great for business:


  • Pronunciation: ˌæ - nə - ˈmɑ - sə - ti

  • Definition: a strong feeling of dislike or hostility

  • Example: It's been three years since he quit. I doubt his ex-boss still has any animosity toward him.


  • Pronunciation: ˈɑr - bə - trɛ - ri

  • Definition: not done for any particular reason / chosen or done at random

  • Example: It seems his decision was completely arbitrary.


  • Pronunciation: ɑr - ˈtɪ - kjə - leɪt

  • Definition: to explain something or express oneself clearly

    Example: It’s really hard for me to articulate my ideas when I’m under pressure.


  • Pronunciation: ˈbæ - fəld

  • Definition: confused

  • Example: We were baffled by our client's angry response.


  • Pronunciation: ˈbreɪ - zən

  • Definition: bold and without shame

  • Example: He's a brazen liar.


  • Pronunciation: kən - ˈsen - səs

  • Definition: general agreement about something

  • Example: There was no consensus on what to do next, so we’ll have to meet again later to discuss other options.


  • Pronunciation: ˈkʌl - mɪ - neɪt

  • Definition: to reach a climax; come to a significant or decisive point

  • Example: At the end of the weekend, the conference will culminate with a speech by the CEO.


  • Pronunciation: ɪ - ˈgri - ʤəs

  • Definition: horrible; offensive; terrible

  • Example: Their egregious actions were met with outrage from their customers.


  • Pronunciation: ɛk - spoʊ - ˈnɛn - ʃəl

  • Definition: increasing rapidly in a sizable quantity

  • Example: The popularity of cell phones has increased exponentially, and they have basically become a necessity.


  • Pronunciation: ˈfæ - ðəm

  • Definition: to understand

  • Example: I cannot even begin to fathom why he got fired. It doesn't make any sense!


  • Pronunciation: ɪm - ˈpɛ - kə - bəl

  • Definition: flawless, faultless

  • Example: She has impeccable taste.


  • Pronunciation: ˈpɪ - və - təl

  • Definition: of crucial importance, specifically in relation to the development of something else

  • Example: A good social media plan is pivotal in the growth of most businesses.


  • Pronunciation: ˈpɑn - dər

  • Definition: think about something carefully and seriously

    Example: We don’t have a lot of time to ponder over what our next move should be.


  • Pronunciation: rɛ - sɪ - ˈprɑ - sɪ - ti

  • Definition: exchange of things for mutual benefit

    Example: Reciprocity is essential to maintain a healthy relationship.


  • Pronunciation: ju - ˈbɪ - kwɪ - təs

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